Regenerative Cities

By 2050, almost 70% of the world population will live in urban areas.

90% of this increase will predictably take place in Asia and Africa. A population that by 2050 will eat, drink, and consume more natural resources, while we are already struggling today to satisfy basic needs. A growing global population with deteriorating natural resources and increased urbanization means more people to feed with less water, farmland, and rural labor.

Regenerative Cities Learning Objectives

  • Increase water-use efficiency
  • Responsible use and production
  • Reduce food waste
  • Halt deforestation
  • Improve food access
  • Malnutrition

Course Modules

The course modules in the Regenerative Cities track are addressed through masterclasses and live conversations with experts in the field. The masterclasses are live sessions or thematic videos recorded by experts and provide a general overview of the topics. The current situation and future challenges are further explored and identified.

Resilient Communities

RESILIENT COMMUNITIES The global pandemic of Covid-19 exposes the leaks of an economy-driven and globalized culture. Habits, lifestyles, and social paradigms have been overturned together

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Responsible Use & Production

Cities are already today, the principal center for the production and consumption of our society. This role will be further strengthened in the near future, when almost 70% of the global population (nearly 7 billion people) is predicted to live in urban areas by 2050.

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Food Access

Each food has a different ecological footprint. This means that through our food choices and diets, we can contribute to worsen or mitigate the effects of climate change.

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Open Conversations

Our open conversations between Future Food and experts dig deeper into thematic topics. Content focuses on sharing insights from daily practice, discoveries, and future solutions. These live sessions are interactive with the possibility to ask questions.

Food Policy and regulation

To feed a growing population, we urge to reshape the cities of tomorrow through the sustainability lens and reverse the current culture of abundance based on expectations of large quantities of food at low costs.

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food education

Education and Public Health

Nutrition education plays a crucial role in promoting healthy and sustainable diets for all. In many parts of the world, professional training in nutrition education remains scarce.

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Community Supported Agriculture

Community-supported agriculture can improve access to and consumption of fresh produce, but the upfront payment structure, logistical barriers, and unfamiliarity with produce items may inhibit participation by low-income families.

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Guest speakers

patrizia Fracassi

Philippe Schuler

Global Movement Coordinator, Too Good to Go

Robert Graham

Integrative Medicine Doctor, Fresh Med

Simone Gozzi

Food Quality, Safety, and Sustainability Expert, CAMST

Chris Richmond Nizi

Founder, Mygrants

Frank LInder

Campaigner, Foodwatch Netherlands

Guido Santini

Technical Coordinator, FAO ‘Food for the Cities’ program

Joe Walsh

Urban Farmer & Farming Consultant, Tokyo

Marco Alberti

Head of International Institutional Affairs, ENEL

*Guests vary depending on the program location and timing, however this list will give you an idea of the type of speakers involved in the Regenerative Cities track. 

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