The Water Orchestra: Emphasizing The Hidden Value Of Water In All Dimensions Of Life

Protecting and preserving water is a priority that now has been spotlighted at all levels.

From the recognition of the universal human right to water to the Agenda 2030, from the Ramsar Convention on Waterfowl Habitat to the Convention on Transboundary Watercourses and Lakes, the blue gold has been recognized as a crucial aspect of life.

Because water is everywhere outside of us and inside of us, considering that almost 60% of human bodies are composed of water.

Because water is at the core of macro landscapes, ecosystem services, agri-food landscapes, and even micro aspects, such as humidity.

Because being exposed to both excessive (floods) and insufficient (desertification, aridity) quantities of water compromises survival.

Yet the fact that we are still so far from achieving almost all of the national and international goals, as the SDG 6 monitoring and reporting clearly emphasizes, denotes that something is still eluding us.

Read more here.