Expo Dopo Expo
What legacy has the Universal Exhibition left to the world?
On Saturday October 10th in the Auditorium of Milan Expo a conference entitled “Expo Dopo Expo: the legacy of Milan 2015” took place.
The initiative focused on everything that has transpired over the past six months of Expo, concentrating on the themes and content outlined in the Milan Charter, a document that encourages every citizen, association, company or institution to take responsibility to ensure future generations enjoy the right to food.
During the event the Minister for Agriculture and Forestry, Maurizio Martina, introduced the WikiExpo project and spoke highly of its importance in memorializing all the events and activities that took place at Milan Expo. Director of the Food Innovation Program, Matteo Vignoli also took the stage to outline the work involved in creating the platform, and to explain the colourful diagram created using Mappr. The map visually depicts the thematic clusters investigated during Expo and the events that were catalogued. WikiExpo is an open, crowd-sourced platform that encourages people from around the world to contribute their ideas, memories and research to the database.
Click here to watch the video from the Expo Dopo Expo conference: