Future Food Alchemist Lab

Food Alchemist

In the Food Alchemist Lab, science and cuisine coexist in symbiosis by creating a new ecosystem. 

Nutraceutical properties from raw materials are enhanced with techniques such as fermentation, suggesting a circular economy model where the word “waste” is reinvented.

R & D Laboratory

The Food Alchemist Lab is the R&D laboratory based in the Scuderia Living Lab in Bologna. From research and educational programs to development and tasting, the Food Alchemist Lab focuses on developing solutions that improve human and planetary health. 

Educational initiatives and corporate workshops facilitate going from know-how transfer to specific scientific and biochemical process sharing. Our heterogeneous product portfolio is influenced by nutritionists, food engineers, and gastronomic scientists forming the foundation of our R&D consultancy. We also offer futuristic dining experiences where we showcase the innovative product portfolio in a casual setting to engage people in conscious eating. 

Key Activities

Research _ Exploration_Alchemist

Research & Exploration

Corporate R _ D_Alchemist_Alchemist

Corporate R & D

Education _ Advocacy

Education & Advocacy

core competencies

Key skills and knowledge being developed at the Food Alchemist Lab. 


Creating something delicious that uses 100% of the food. 

Novel Proteins

Study of alternative proteins from plant-based, insect, or microbial sources. 


Going beyond medicine and testing biological elements with emphasis on clean labels. 


Past-Present-Future, farming microorganisms to enrich our diets. 

Food Design

Making food sustainable, healthy, and beautiful. 


Consciousness and mindfulness to help people make better food choices. 

Alchemist Lab Videos

Microorganisms: Benefits or Spoilage

Innovative Protein bread

Waste: Fermented Parmesan crust

Pre, Pro, and Post-biotics

Fermentation & 3d

To Japan and Beyond

Food Alchemist Publications

interested to learn more?

Fill in the form here for additional information or to speak with one of our team members about a food innovation collaboration.