Nutrition education plays a crucial role in promoting healthy and sustainable diets for all. In many parts of the world, professional training in nutrition education remains scarce. The need for competent professionals skilled to conduct nutrition education interventions is especially great in countries where undernutrition coexists with growing rates of overnutrition and associated non-communicable diseases. As urbanization favors the shift towards more processed and convenience foods, nutrients deficiencies increase despite excessive calorie consumption.

[Mediterranean Foodscape]: Not enough proteins or too many proteins both have devastating consequences on health and food security. Effects of low protein intake, for example, include fatigue, slow metabolism, and impaired immunity. And we all have been experiencing these months the importance of supporting the immune system through food to prevent or reduce the risks from virus pandemics. Changing food behavior is complex and challenging. People need to be seduced by-products to make better choices.

[Climate & Earth Regeneration]: “Action to save the planet and its water will not be useful in the long term unless we make sure that future generations are fully involved. That is the point of environmental education, which is also education about water and how we can better manage and preserve it”.  – Audrey Azoulay

[Water]: Beyond innovating, companies and governments can help educate consumers on how to shift their water use habits to save money and resources. This is illustrated by the company Reckitt and Benckiser, with its automatic dishwashing brand, Finish, that has launched a campaign called #FinishWaterWaste to incentivize consumers to avoid water-consuming practices such as dishes pre-wash.

The participant will interpret the challenges and good practices regarding a change in production and consumption practices, to prepare the combat against malnutrition and the promotion of sustainable agriculture. Also, the relations between basic categories of nutrients and their contribution to human function and vitality will be critiqued.