Future Food Institute has received the CAF International Validation Badge

We are thrilled to announce that Future Food Institute received the CAF International Validation Badge. This recognition underscores our commitment to transparency, accountability, and excellence in our mission to promote sustainable food systems and innovation in the agri-food sector.

The CAF International Validated Organization Badge is awarded to organizations that are structured and operated as nonprofit entities. This is confirmed by a validation process that goes far beyond a simple reliance on a foreign government database.

The CAF International validation process includes a review of an organization’s key operational elements such as their governance structure, registration status, annual financial statements, online and media presence, and their board members and senior staff. This validation process ensures that all funds sent to the organization will be used charitably, and it allows CAF International and their donors to mitigate the risk of fraud, money laundering, and other criminal activities.

We extend our thanks to our dedicated team, partners, and supporters who have contributed to this milestone. Together, we will continue to drive positive change and build a sustainable future for all.

For more details, visit our validation page qui.