Launching WikiExpo

On Tuesday the 23rd of June at 12.00pm, the WikiExpo ( project was launched inside Milan Expo with the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Maurizio Martina.  This aggregator of crowdsourced content will record and memorialize all of the events and conferences that take place at Milan’s Universal Exhibition. The shared project was born inside the Food Innovation Program (, the highly innovative Master’s degree that involves twenty outstanding students from around the world who are at the forefront of food innovation and design thinking. WikiExpo is a collaborative project supported by CAAB Centro Agroalimentare, COOP Adriatica and Regione Emila-Romangna. Logistical support and development has been provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and by ExpoMilano2015. Technical partners and supporters also include Lepida SpA and You Can Group. wikiexpo-press-conference will map the creation of new knowledge, research, innovation projects, and most importantly, events and seminars that will take place at Milan Expo until October 2015. The platform will be curated by an international team, selected and managed in partnership with the Food Innovation Program, and it will also involve young journalists, foodies, Future Food Institute fellows and of course, the general public. The core team consists of technical staff, an operational secretariat, and passionate reporters that will monitor specific topics identified by partners and contributors. wikiexpo-press-conference-maurizio-martina is an English language, open-source platform, with a responsive layout that has been optimized for mobile. A specialised security system will constantly monitor uploaded content and modifications. Along with a pure list of events, the data will be mapped visually using Mappr, a platform for network visualization and data storytelling. The map is divided into a series of clusters that represent diverse categories including: workshops, food education, sustainability, eating, innovation and technology, food production, climate change, food security, distribution and farming.