Food Innovation Global Mission is a real MISSION not just based on spreading a positive “message” but one that is rooted in a belief that, in order to generate innovation experience, knowledge and cross-pollination are fundamental.
Presenting a
60 day tour of
10 Food Hubs [
[Wageningen & Maastricht, Boston & New York, Davis & San Francisco, Shanghai, Singapore, Kyoto, Seoul, London, Wageningen & Maastricht, Tel Aviv, London, Bologna & the Italian Food Valley]
The Mission was launched on January 18th with a delegation of
15 talented students – from Food Innovation Program [selected from more than 80 applicants], coming from: B
razil, China, Ethiopia, Egypt, the Philippines, Germany, Jordan, England, India, Italy, Poland, Peru, Spain, South Africa, USA, Turkey and Venezuela.
They are a multifaceted team capable of interpreting signals and trends, researching projects, as well as communicate effectively with a great appreciation for global and local societies, bringing a multicultural and multidimensional view of the world around them.
What are you waiting for?
Follow this amazing lifetime experience on our official website and on
Instagram and
LinkedIn using the hashtag #FIGM17