Celebrating Together The World Day Of Sustainable Gastronomy

Celebrating Together The World Day Of Sustainable Gastronomy

The way our food is eaten every day can’t help but considering the space which feeding the community starts from: the kitchen.

It is not just a simple setting where cooking and serving take their stage, but has to be outlined as a vibrant ecosystem where feeders and raw materials are interfacing with crucial touchpoints of our food systems: preserving naturalness and benefits of ingredients avoiding unnecessary processing, protecting and exalting their taste, hindering food contamination or waste but also relating to the spheres that food includes: access to food, environmentally responsible ingredients from climate-smart agriculture, sovereignty, social and cultural inclusion. That is why, through our Food & Climate Shapers Digital Boot camps, launched together with FAO, we started approaching this topic through the Regenerative Kitchen approach, that describes the kitchen of the future not only with smart hi-tech tools or innovative ingredients but also as the place where people develop dishes for a better world, by using products responsibly.

Regeneration in kitchens starts by making recipes that at first point out our Planet needs (using ingredients that are locally sourced, seasonal, fresh and mostly refer to a plant-forward lifestyle), then by building strategies that foster new and better behaviors for People and, once the consumer shift has happened, by achieving a general definition of social, environmental and economic Prosperity, so building the three tracks that also the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals underlines for the food systems. One way to achieve this strategy? Implementing solutions and strategies that come from Sustainable Gastronomy, a new model of cuisine that still considers the value of food art and the capability of our feeders to serve plates that are empathetic to the consumers’ community, but that doesn’t leave behind the origin of ingredients, how food grows and the entire pathway it tracks from farm to fork.

This is one of the main focuses that every year on June 18 UNESCO and FAO stress during the UN Sustainable Gastronomy Day, the event that aims to raise public awareness on the contribution of preparing food responsibly to achieve sustainable development.

Future Food Institute will celebrate this recurrency launching “Food is a Conversation: Sustainable Gastronomy Day”, that will be joined by: – Peter Klosse, Founder of the Academie voor Gastronomie and of @tasteresearch – Dondeena Bradley, Global Vice President, Nutrition and Wellbeing at Barilla Group – Sophie Egan, author of “How to be a Conscious Eater” and founder of Full Table Solutions.

The Conversation will also count on the participation of Future Food ambassadors, young talents and changemakers in the food and sustainability sectors that will debate with our guests in the final Q&A session.   The event will be moderated by Sara Roversi (Founder of Future Food Institute) and will be live broadcast:

Join us – June 18, 6.30 PM CET! More info on the Facebook event HERE