Agrogeneration road to Bergamo: Waste 2 Value and Agrogeneration Bologna

In June, the city of Bologna hosted the G7 ministerial meeting on the environment. Tension has been rising with Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris agreement, making it all the more interesting to see how the G7 leaders are  discussing a course of action  on how to deal with environmental challenges.
Beyond the political arena, FFI was present to tackle an issue of strong relevance to the environment: Food Waste, particularly on valorizing waste. The most valuable investment, as we strongly believe, is educating youth in innovative and effective ways. This is why FFI, within the framework of the Agrogeneration Bologna project,  hosted another hackathon, Waste 2 Value, that invited young university graduates to sit together and ‘hack’ new solutions for drawing value from food waste. Over the course of two days in the green house of Giardini Margherita the participants worked together, having received different moments of inspiration on their novel ideas. The participants presented one disruptive prototype after another at the end of the second day before representatives from CAMST, Coop alleanza 3.0, IGD SiiQ and  Impronta etica. We especially thank the Italian Ministry of agriculture food, and forestry for the immense support of the Agrogeneration project
The scale on which we work might be small, yet the impact continues to build up as we continue to do our part, inspiring innovation and creativity, working with communities and raising awareness through education as we go on our journey towards the G7 meeting in Bergamo in October. Stay tuned for more milestones.
