FFI is launching a second edition of the Hackathon series of Feeding Fair which was a remarkable success during the Milan Expo 2015 thanks to the participation of His Excellency Minister Maurizio Martina, Google, Federalimentare, Upday and action contre la faim and many other partners. This year, with a new CHALLENGE: “Agrogeneration Hack Food”.
Leveraging on the tremendous knowledge legacy of Expo where we got to identify needs and opportunities in the world of Food, a special focus is given to the overarching theme of Rural Social Innovation.
The relationship between Food and land, together with communities that aggregate and interact around this relationship are the raw material for a profound innovation where agriculture is central. We aim to explore the power of digital technology to transform rurality through reconsidering modernity. Technologies such as Big Data, Robotics, Sensors, and ICT can not only revolutionize Food production and consumption, but also infrastructure, education, financing, natural resource management, and environmental impact assessment.
Reserchers, startupper, farmers, activists, experts in agritech: this is your event!
Tickets available
More info on the official website: