eu Agrifood week

The EU AgriFood Week, promoted by the Future Food Institute, in collaboration with the European Commission Representation in Italy, gathers a diverse audience of farmers and fishermen, educators, agribusiness leaders, politicians, journalists, scientists, innovators, investors, and startups.

The theme of food will be approached from different perspectives starting with culture and identity, moving through the aspect of caring for the land, resources, biodiversity, and landscape, and then focusing on food diplomacy, health, and lifestyle.

In addition to numerous field visits, celebrating the richness of Campania’s agricultural community, including heroic farmers, eco-regions and protection consortia, participants will engage in pivotal events designed to drive the transition from thoughts to deeds for sustainable development. 

mediterranean wine art fest

19 May: Presentation of the festival of excellence and cultural economic exchanges for a Mediterranean of Peace. 

This event emphasizes the crucial role of culture in promoting development models capable of enhancing production chains, identity heritage, and local economies, having care for the protection of essential resources, interpreting a true concept of “One Health” in which the health of humanity, the health of the planet and the community, in the “Mediterranean” banquet, become the true nexus.


20-23 May: Pollica, a UNESCO Emblematic Community of the Mediterranean Diet hosts event series on World Biodiversity Day. 

Four days of meetings, seminars, and workshops on the theme of Integral Ecological Regeneration, gathering experts from around the world to share visions and best practices, and spread the opportunities and actions that NEXT GENERATION EU is putting in place to regenerate Europe. 

Events cover a diverse range of topics including including soil, biodiversity, water, energy, technology, supply chains, food loss and waste, health and wellness, tourism, youth, women, and culture.

Mediterranean Diet exhibition & hackathon

26-29 May: Inauguration of the DMed Mediterranean Diet Exhibition, in the Italian coordination year of the UNESCO Network of Mediterranean Diet Emblematic Communities. 

The event includes a Hackathon, involving students from hotel, tourism, sports, and agricultural institutes, to provide an opportunity for young people to give life to new ideas to interpret the Mediterranean Diet and spread it among youth as a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

The awarding of the winning projects will take place on 27 May in the presence of Ambassador Antonio Parenti, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Italy, and local institutions.

EU AgriFood Week Full Schedule


Complex of San Domenico Maggiore – Naples

11.00 – Opening Conference of The Mediterranean Wine Art Fest 

The Mediterranean Wine Art Fest is the international festival that blends wine excellence and experiential tourism of the 21 countries bordering the Mediterranean.

In the vision of the symposium as a convivial practice, this exclusive event will offer the oenological and food excellences in their historical, cultural, and landscape links with the territory, while also providing a message of peace by promoting economic exchanges in the fields of agri-food and agri-tech.

Produced and organized by MAVV – Museum of Art, Wine, and Vine, hosted by the Department of Agriculture in the Royal Palace of Portici, this initiative has received the patronage of the Assembly of Parliamentarians of the Mediterranean – PAM and the recognition of the MANN and the University Federico II, l’Orientale, Parthenope, Suor Orsola Benincasa, and Luigi Vanvitelli.


Princes Capano Castle Salita Mazziotti, Pollica (SA)

In celebration of the anniversary of the opening of the Paideia Campus in Pollica, on 22 May, World Biodiversity Day, there will be three days of meetings, seminars, and workshops on the theme of Integral Ecological Regeneration, to work on the objective of finding a way out of the crises we are experiencing that is not just deprivation, but an opportunity to create a better environmental, social, and economic scenario.

Azienda Agricola La Petrosa, Ceraso (SA)

13:00 Experiential lunch at a Regenerative Farm

14:30 – 15:30 Farm To Fork: Regeneration Starts From Soil

  • Edmondo Soffritti – Azienda Agricola La Petrosa
  • Philip Fernandez – Project Manager, EIT Food
  • Matteo Mancini – Technical Coordinator, Deafal ONG (online)

15:30 – 16:30 On-field Workshop On Regenerative Farming 

La Petrosa Farm (Azienda Agricola La Petrosa)

16.30 – 17.00 Farmers Markets: strategic tools for regeneration

  • Carmelo Troccoli – Director Campagna Amica
  • Andrea Rinaldi – Rareche Cilento
  • Slow Food*

17.00 – 17.30 The regenerative power of forests

  • Luciana Cipriani – Founder at Natura Humana
  • Elisa Altomonte – Project Manager, consorzio forestale Sugherete del Golfo
  • Roberto Mazzei – Chestnut District Director at Coldiretti
  • Giuseppe Cilento – Founder Cooperativa Nuovo Cilento

20.00 – 23.00 Food Experience: Extravirganza – The Unexpected Olive Oil Story

Lorenzo Caponetti 

Starting with the Etruscans who first introduced the olive tree cultivation in Italy, and all the way to the challenges of farming within climate change, the answers to those questions are never easy nor univocal, and yet going through the three phases of biology, arbitrariness and transcendence can help navigate through some of them – and besides, isn’t talking about food always a good exercise anyway? Oh, and music?

Castello dei Principi Capano, Pollica (SA)

10.00  – 10.45 Regeneration Starts In Marginal Areas

  • Stefano Pisani – Mayor, Municipality of Pollica
  • Luca Bianchi – SVIMEZ (Association for the Development of Industry in Southern Italy) – General Manager; Vice President, Ismea 
  • Alessandra Pesce – Director, CREA
  • Gennarino Masiello – President, Coldiretti Campania
  • Giuseppe Orefice – Slow Food, Executive Committee Member
  • Teresa Del Giudice – President of the Scientific Center of Portici, Professor of economics and rural appraisal at Federico II University

10.45 – 11.00 Presentation of the National Agritech HUB

Danilo Ercolini – Director, Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples Federico II – National Agritech HUB

11.00 – 11.20 Re-Food: rethink and regenerate waste along the food value chain

Presentation of the winners of the design challenge. 

11.30 – 12.15 Actions to Empower Women in Agritech 

  • Veronica Barbati – President of Coldiretti Youth 
  • Linda Carobbi – Co-founder of the National Association of Fruit and Vegetables Women
  • Maria Pia Paolillo – Member of the National Association of Fruit and Vegetables Women and owner of the company Foen
  • Deborah Morriello – Director Incibum Lab 
  • Roberto Mazzei – PSR Innovation

12.30  – 13.30 Lunch – Food is a Conversation about “Taste” [ENG] 

Fundamentals of Taste to Impact Regenerative Behavior

  • Prof. Peter Klosse – President, T.A.S.T.E. The Academy for Scientific Taste Evaluation
  • Jan Kees Klosse – Researcher, T.A.S.T.E. The Academy for Scientific Taste Evaluation

14.00 – 14.30 Clusters, Supply Chains, And New Production Paradigms For Economic Regeneration

  • Antonio Marchiello* – Councilor for Productive Activities and Work of the Campania Region
  • Luigi Traettino* – President Confindustria Campania
  • Paolo Bonaretti – President, CLAN (National Agri-food Cluster)
  • Enrica Gentile – CEO & Founder Areté Srl & Alimenta Srl / Agri-Food Intelligence.
  • Sara Guidelli – Director of Legacoop Agribusiness
  • Prof. Matteo Vignoli – University of Bologna

14.30  – 15.15 Decarbonizing for energetic resilience

  • Andrea Cotrufo – Chairman Quantum Investments
  • Letizia Magaldi – Executive Vice President Magaldi Green Energy
  • Michele Falce – Responsabile area produzione e servizi agricoli Novamont e direttore di Mater-Agro
  • Silvio Petrone – Miras Energia s.r.l. 
  • Stefano Pisani – Mayor, Municipality of Pollica – Pollica Energia / Comunità Energetica

15.20  – 15.45 Communicating Agri-food Systems Sustainability for Regenerative Action

  • Lorena Savani – Programme Innovation Manager of EIT Food Clc South
  • Giuseppe Ariano – Direttore Marketing e Comunicazione Scabec SpA
  • Pietro Contaldo – President of Igers Italia 
  • Ottavio Lucarelli – President of Order of Journalists of Campania

16.00 – 16.15 Keynote speech: MetaFood  – Beyond Intangible: The Taste Of Nonfungible [ENG]

Giorgio Ciardella, Farzati Tech

16.30  – 17.00 Agri-Tech & Food-Tech Ecosystem Unleashing Regenerative Actions

  • Valeria Fascione – Councilor for Research, Innovation and Startup, Campania Region
  • Sharon Cittone – Founder & CEO, Edible Planet Ventures
  • Antonio Iannone – The Food Cons
  • Mario Roccaro – Programme Manager Education,  EIT Food HQ
  • Deborah Morriello – Director Incibum Lab 

17.15  – 17.45 Bridging the Digital Divide in Agriculture

  • Peter Kruger – Founder and Chairman Agri-Food Tech Italy

startup showcase by

  • Matteo Vanotti – Founder & CEO, XFarm
  • Marco Ciarletti – Founder & CEO, Soonapse
  • Maria Luisa Cinquerrui – Amministratrice, Smartisland
  • Giovanni Chiolo – Responsabile Attività Operative, Smartisland

18.30 Mediterranean Diet: past, present and future

Marina di Acciaroli

On the occasion of the presentation of the project “laFeltrinelli del Mediterraneo” on the dock of Acciaroli, there will be an evening dedicated to the Mediterranean lifestyle from past, present and future.

Presentation of the book “Trotula” – telling the story of Trotula de Ruggero, the first and only teacher of the famous Medical School of Salerno, that originated in these areas in the 9th century.

Encounter with the authors: Anella Mastalia, Roberta Pastore, Valerio Calabrese.

20.20 Sunset and demonstration of the Mediterranean Mind Lab

Laboratory of applied neuroscience to codify the “Algorythm of Longevity,” promoted by Strobilo.

20.30 Food Experience from the past to the future of the Mediterranean lifestyle


  • Vittorio Rambaldo – Alici di Menaica di Donatella Marino


  • Giovanna Voria – Teacher at In Cibum, Scuola di Alta Formazione Gastronomica


  • ヒューチャーフードアルケミストラボ
  • Startup showcase by In Cibum Lab: Nuvola, Natura Humana, Eatour

9.00 – 9.30 Conscious breakfast: the Golden Rule for a regenerative mindset

  • Anthony Bennett – CEO Reboot the Future

9.30 – 9.45 The algorythm of longevity: restoring the brain with the power of nature [ENG]

  • Camilla di Pasquasio – Psychologist, Neuroscientist and Data Analyst, Strobilo

10.00  – 10.45 Mediterraneity: seeds of culture for sustainable development

  • On. Gennaro Migliore – President PAM, Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean
  • Eugenio Gervasio – Founder & CEO MAVV
  • Domenico Rogoli – Segretario scientifico Fondazione Dieta Mediterranea
  • Tiziana d’Angelo – Director of the Archeological Park of Paestum and Velia
  • Fabrizio Mangoni – Architect, Urban Planning Professor at Università Federico II of Naples

10.45  – 11.30 Food Diplomacy: Regeneration, Security, And Sovereignty 

Keynote speech: Maurizio Martina – Deputy Director, FAO (video)

  • Gerda Verburg – Coordinator of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement and Former Assistant UN Secretary-General
  • Dr. Novytska Mariia Volodymyrivna – Regional Coordinator of Public Relations of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Vito Borrelli – Deputy Head of the European Commision Representation in Italy
  • Chris Richmond Nzi – Founder, Mygrants


Video Message

Janusz Wojciechowski – EU Commissioner for Agriculture

11.30 – 11.45 Presentation of the Project “AgroBiodiversità Campana”

  • Rosa Pepe – delegate to the activities of scientific dissemination, CREA Pontecagnano

12.00- 13.00 Envisioning And Activating Regenerative Food Systems [ENG]

  • Pasquale di Rubbo – Policy Analyst at the European Commission (DG AGRI) – EU “Farm to Fork” strategy and the future of the Common Agricultural Policy
  • Damien Jourdan – Global Head of Open Innovation, Danone
  • Massimo Ferro – CFO, Nestlè Italia
  • Elena Sgaravatti –  Vice President, Italian Association of Biotech industries (Assobiotec)
  • Salvatore Basile – President IN.N.E.R. 

13.00 LUNCH Food Diplomacy For Regeneration: Convivium As An Instrument For Peace

Castellabate Antiquarium comunale al Lungomare De Simone, headquarters of the Association of Fishermen of Castellabate

Blue Economy and Development Strategies for Marine Protected Areas

Workshop with the representatives of the marine and fisheries sector of the area, to identify challenges and opportunities within the areas of Blue Economy and sustainable Fishing.

Medi-terranean, “sea in the middle of the lands,” Mare Nostrum. The blue sea that washes the coasts of Cilento is a true hotspot of biodiversity, hosting as much as 18% of the global diversity of marine species, and jealously guarding the traces of ancient trade routes between the peoples who lived on its shores.

However, climate change, global warming, and contamination from plastics and other materials threaten the exceptional ecological network it hosts. Moreover, in the globalized and “dark” world of fishing and blue protein trade, the livelihoods of small-scale coastal fishermen are also challenged. Their role must be re-evaluated so that they can once again become stewards of the natural marine heritage and vital witnesses of maritime traditions and cultures focused on the sustainable management of marine resources. 

This moment will involve policymakers, researchers, and fishermen, to build together regenerative actions for a natural and cultural heritage too often underestimated.

18.00 Opening Conference
Introduced by Sara Roversi – President Future Food Institute

  • Marco Rizzo – Mayor of the Municipality of Castellabate
  • Stefano Pisani – Mayor of the Municipality of Pollica
  • Vito Borrelli – Deputy Director, European Commission Representation in Italy

    Streaming with:
  • Cinzia Scaffidi – Lecturer at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, and freelancer in the field of journalism and consulting and training for companies on issues related to sustainability and food.
  • Silvestro Greco – Research director at the National Institute of Marine Biology, Ecology and Biotechnology “Anton Dohrn”
  • Giuseppe Palma – Secretary general of Assoittica Italia

Meeting with local stakeholders – Development strategies for marine protected areas.
Workshop with representatives of the local fishing sector to identify issues and develop solutions within the Blue Economy and sustainable fishing.

26/05 – Day 1

11.00  – 18.00 The One Health Hack

Agriculture, Food, Sport, And Tourism In The Mediterranean Diet Framework

In the context of EU Agri-Food Week, considering the crucial role that the Mediterranean Diet plays, on 26th and 27th May a hackathon will be held that will involve students of Hotel, Tourism, Sports, and Agricultural Institutes.

The students will give life to new ideas to translate the values of the Mediterranean Diet and spread it across the new generations as a sustainable lifestyle with a HACKATHON. 

 A hackathon is an effective tool both for learning and to accelerate the innovation process. It will provide an experiential way for students to learn and explore the Mediterranean Diet from four different points of view.

The hackathon will be a moment of teamwork, development of systemic thinking, and experience to encourage the exchange of ideas, and the approach to co-design, enriching all those involved.


27/05 – Day 2

10.00 – 14.00 Idea finalization, pitch, and presentation

14.30 Winners Announcement


The One Health Framework and the Power of the Mediterranean Diet

  • Antonio Parenti – Head of the European Commission Representation in Italy
  • Nicola Caputo* – Regional Minister of Agriculture, Campania Region
  • Gennarino Masiello – President of Coldiretti Campania
  • Sergio Roncelli  – President of CONI Campania
  • *Ministry of Education
  • Stefano Pisani – Mayor of Pollica,  member of the National Observatory for UNESCO Intangible Heritage
  • Sonia Massari – Director of Future Food Academy

Presentation of the Global Food Innovation Forum & Bioeconomy Summit

The rural development plan has invested and will continue to invest a considerable amount of resources into the innovation of agricultural enterprises and rural territories. The way to enhance this innovation is to work as a system and to connect to networks. We will have the EIT, the National Cluster of agri-food, PRIMA, the Ministry of Research, DG AGRI, DG Environment, and the JRC. The Global Food Innovation Forum was created as a moment to discuss complementarity and convergence between funds and programs, between Europe and the regions.

Presentation of the National Agritech HUB

Danilo Ercolini – Director, Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples Federico II – National Agritech HUB


28/05 – Day 3

10.00 – 12.00 Conference: Next Generation EU – Presenting the Agri-Tech National Hub lead by Università Federico II

11.00 – 12.00 Startup Competition on Circular Economy – Università Federico II

14.00  – 18.00 Training by Europe Direct Salerno


29/05 – Day 4

10.00 – 13.00 Conference: One Health – the Mediterranean Way

Traditions meet programs, policies, legislation, and research working together to achieve better public health outcomes.

regeneraction news

HOHLI – Healthy Oceans, Healthy Lives 

The University of Basilicata presents jointly with the Municipality of Pollica a pioneering initiative exploring the nexus between human health, fertility, ocean ecosystems and the

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