Mind the gap: Addressing national forest inventory capacity needs to support climate action


National Forest Inventories (NFI) represent countries' continuous efforts to gather accurate information about the size, distribution, condition and use of forests resources. Transparent and methodologically sound forest data sets are essential for developing and monitoring the policies and decisions that support the sustainable management of forests and drive effective climate action under the Paris Agreement [...]

Food Access & Resilient Communities with Platos Sin Fronteras


 Speaker: Claudia Rubio Giraldo - Coordinator - Platos Sin Fronteras. Claudia Rubio Giraldo is an Environmental lawyer based in Medellín, Colombia. She is the coordinator of Platos Sin Fronteras, an organization heavily involved with SGM; they participated in the first round of the food solidarity fund and launched their first Nutrition lab, giving nutrition education [...]

Digital Food & Climate Shapers Boot Camp


Apply today for the 6th edition of the award-winning Food & Climate Shapers Boot Camp, developed in partnership between the Future Food Institute and FAO. In this 4-week, part-time virtual program, you will learn alongside other like-minded individuals from around the world. Built upon an experiential model that incorporates design thinking, mentorship sessions, live discussions [...]

Trame Mediterranee Blue Edition

Princes Capano Castle Italy

INTEGRAL ECOLOGY - a model for a sustainable Mediterranean future.  The systemic cultural project, Trame Mediterranee, conceived and promoted by the Future Food Institute in collaboration with the Municipality of Pollica and the Angelo Vassallo Mediterranean Diet Study Center, was implemented to create awareness of the immense value of the intangible heritage contained in the [...]

Mediterranean Edition Boot Camp – Pollica, Italy

Princes Capano Castle Italy

Discover the possibilities for a sustainable future within the cultural heritage of the Mediterranean Diet during the Mediterranean Edition of our Food and Climate Shapers Boot Camp. More than just a list of ingredients, the Mediterranean Diet is a set of knowledge, skills, and traditions that reconnects humanity with the planet that hosts us. Set [...]

Regenerative Kitchens Boot Camp – Pollica, Italy

Princes Capano Castle Italy

Develop the recipes for the future, learn sustainable food preparation and techniques, and discover how to facilitate food behavior change in our Food and Climate Shapers Boot Camp, developed in partnership with T.A.S.T.E Academy and FAO. Set in the hilltop town of Pollica, capital of the Mediterranean Diet, you will learn innovative approaches and mindsets [...]

WWF Side Event | Youth engagement in Green Cities


Learn more about the key involvement of youth in building green cities and the FAO Green Cities Initiative during the World Food Forum virtual side event “Youth engagement in Green Cities Initiative: a green, resilient and sustainable future for the cities”. Claudia Laricchia will talk about Mobilizing youth for strengthening urban rural linkages. Come and [...]

Presentazione del libro: “A lezione dai Longevi”

Scuderia Future Food Living Lab Piazza Giuseppe Verdi 2 Bologna Bologna Italy

La ricerca su longevi cilentani di oltre novant’anni di età, oggetto di questo libro, è stata effettuata dall’autrice in collaborazione con il dottore di ricerca Francesco Di Prinzio e la supervisione del prof. Fiorenzo Laghi dell’Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”. Lo studio ha indagato le ragioni che possono spiegare la presenza nel Cilento [...]