Food plays an integral role in our everyday lives. Often, though, we find it easy to overlook how it affects millions of people worldwide as an industry. The EU has historically overlooked this too. In this article, I explain why food is so important, and how we can move forward to more inclusive, nuanced, and ecological food policy.
The year 2021 began full of hope and expectation, if only because a new year meant we could leave behind one of the most complex years in the history of mankind and finally turn the proverbial page.
However, after almost three months, we’ve seen that to truly live up to this widespread desire for improvement, we need to roll up our sleeves and move in the right direction. Doing this, however, requires some reflection. All the more so if we think of the great opportunities for positive change in the coming months; the G20 Summit and COP26 represent two fundamental summits in which Europe is deeply involved, helping to design a different – better – future.