The global pandemic of Covid-19 exposes the leaks of an economy-driven and globalized culture. Habits, lifestyles, and social paradigms have been overturned together with the way we experience entire economic sectors. The virus shows that, and we need to start building resilience in our vulnerable communities to face future challenges in a better way.
[Water]: Urban centers are both largely dependent on freshwater and responsible at the same time for its massive consumption, especially in light of future projections: by 2050, almost 70% of the world population will live in urban areas.
[Humana Communitas]: Food equity is the expansive concept that all people have the ability and opportunity to grow and to consume healthful, affordable, and culturally significant foods. In an equitable food system, all community members can evolve, procure, barter, trade, sell, dispose and understand the sources of food in a manner that prioritizes culture, equitable access to land, fair and equitable prices, and wages, human health, and ecological sustainability. Food equity requires that food systems be democratically controlled, and community stakeholders determine the policies that influence their food system. Empowering the Humana Communitas means empowering a purpose-driven society that gathers around shared values of collaboration, cohesion, commonality, in respect of Nature. Massive concentrations of the growing population in urban areas and the speed of technologies will be one of the leading causes of radical social change.
[Nutrition for All]: Proteins are essential components of our diets. With more than 50% of the population living today in urban areas, the main challenge for the world cities is sustainably providing healthy and nutritious food. Incrementing protein diversification represents not only an incredibly appealing economic opportunity but also a viable option to ensure high-quality proteins within the planetary boundaries.
Participants will interpret insights about self-sustainability, food sovereignty, resilience, and food equity of communities and the complexity of the value chain and identify circular or regenerative opportunities.